About Us

Thoughts on The Rocks Roanoke is a community of men and women who come together to support and inspire each other. We believe in the power of connection, and faith as a sharable reasource for life. We aim to create a space where individuals can become better versions of themselves through deep conversations about life. Come visit our monthly gatherings filled with meaningful conversations, delicious food, and great company.

people laughing and talking outside during daytime
people laughing and talking outside during daytime

Our Core principles

Empowering individuals to grow and develop in all aspects of life

Faith and Values

Building Relationships

Personal Growth

Creating a community of friends that care for each other and share life together

Exploring new ways to strengthening our values and faith as tools for life.

ToTR Roanoke Founders Vision

Alan & Diane, Tait & Ashley, Matt & Cris
Co-Founders Oct 2023!


Bill & Ginny Graves

Thoughts on The Rocks in Roanoke Virginia was founded in July 2023 as a community of men and women who have come together to support and inspire each other. We believe Jesus intended for all of us to avoid isolation and engage in the communities we live within. We believe in the power of connection and our aim is to create a space where individuals can share life stories in a safe non-critical setting. The nature of this gathering will help each of us grown in understanding and compassion. What better setting than sitting around tables with great food and drink to open hearts and minds? It is as old as humanity is itself. Please come join us for our monthly gatherings filled with meaningful conversations, delicious food, and great company. We are not a corporation, nor are we a mission of a local church. We are just a group of people that believe American life has evolved into a culture of isolation, and thought just maybe, this would be a fun way to change that in our local community.

I would like to say this is an original idea, but it's not. I experienced this type of gathering for the first time as part of a men's networking group in Cincinnati Ohio that goes by the same ToTR name who kindly let me share the clever name (Thanks Doug Howe). There are five other cities with loose connections to the Cincinnati founding group functioning around the USA. It operates as an actual 501(c)(3) under The Insignia Foundation, a group with an intentional focus to bring God's message of truth and grace to those who might not be otherwise looking for it, including traditionally religious and irreligious people. While living in Kirkland Washington, a local Pastor (Mike Ford of Life Community Church ) and I decided to try the same thing, as a men's group at a local Pub in downtown Kirkland. We had a blast meeting new people, creating a community, and building relationships until COVID broke it up. However, you can't keep a good idea down and I hear Kirkland ToTR is up and running full speed again :-)

In 2022 when Ginny and I moved to Roanoke, we thought it would be cool to try something like ToTR that was inclusive of both men and women once we got settled into our Roanoke Life. Well, we are pretty settled in now; we've met most of our neighbors, have had our first wine release party in our back yard, joined a local church, and even attended a couple of street parties this summer on our circle. We love Roanoke, and Lord willing, we are here to stay. Full disclosure, Ginny and I are Christians of a historically non-denominational nature until quite recently. The whole concept of building community and sharing life with our neighbors flows from a deep personal faith in Jesus who taught us to love God, love our neighbors, and how to throw a good party! Don't you remember that wedding feast.... it was on all the gossip scrolls of the day? That said, while we are faith based, we are not a church, not a bible study group, not sponsored by any church, and we are not promoting any specific denomination. We do hope you find, joy, peace, and hope in your life as we have in ours. Fundamentally we believe life is just better together.